Sunday, 28 June 2015

The hunt is on...

So we're house hunting. Jess, Alice and I. The search is on. We had a housing conundrum in December, but it all worked out for the best! 

Here's our how to house hunt guide: 

1. Search early. The early bird gets the worm and all that. 

2. Get a tube map. Circle the areas you'll be comfortable living. This means you'll have a control zone. 

3. Apps. Move with the times (if you'll pardon the pun). There's some fab and fun apps to help with this whole palava. 

4. List your criteria. Be clear. Because you're there for the next 6 months at least. 

5. Talk to people. Others moving. Housing agents. It's good to be aware of what's going on. So bother to speak to people in similar situations! Especially your friends because otherwise you might be competing for the same property! A W K S. 

6. Be slightly flexible. Whether that's with when you're willing to move in, or the price, or with your requirements. Flexibility is important but don't agree to something you're not willing to live in.

7. Be quick. Slow and steady does N O T win the race. So if you like it, view it, and put in an offer. A S A P. 

8. Don't be disappointed or discouraged because you won't always get the perfect place, but you can make it a home and that's what's important. It's not permanent, unless you want it to be, so don't worry too much! Make the best of it! 

So if you enjoyed reading that, and it was at all helpful when house hunting you could share it, like it, and tweet about.

Also follow me on twitter and instagram because I'm pretty fabulous, @chantelle_kiran.

Until next time, remember I've said it so it must be true....


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